Kolestasis Intrahepatik
Suzanna Ndraha
Ahli Penyakit Dalam, Konsultan
Gastroenterohepatologi, RSUD Koja,
Jakarta, Indonesia
Kolestasis adalah kondisi
terjadi hambatan aliran cairan empedu secara akut atau kronis. Kolestasis
intrahepatik terjadi akibat defek fungsional hepatoselular, atau lesi
obstruktif traktus bilier intrahepatik. Pada kolestasis intrahepatik didapatkan
ciri klinis dan laboratorium sesuai dengan kolestasis tanpa terlihat obstruksi
duktus koledokus pada pemeriksaan imaging.Yang termasuk kolestasis
intrahepatik antara lain hepatitis kolestasis, hepatitis autoimun, penyakit
hati karena alkohol, dan hepatitis imbas obat, sirosis bilier primer dan
kolangitis sklerosing primer.
Pada tinjauan pustaka ini akan
dibahas pendekatan diagnostik dan tatalaksana kolestasis intrahepatik,
khususnya hepatitis kolestasis, hepatitis imbas obat tipe kolestasis, sirosis
bilier primer dan kolangitis sklerosing primer.
is an impairment of bile formation and/or bile flow which may clinically
present with fatigue, pruritus and jaundice. Cholestasis can be classified to
intrahepatic or extrahepatic type. Intrahepatic cholestasis presents with
clinical and laboratory features of cholestasis without bile duct abnormalities on imaging. Intrahepatic
cholestasis may be caused by cholestasis hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis,
alcoholic liver disease, drug induced hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis and
primary sclerosing cholangitis.
review will discuss clinical approach and treatment of intrahepatic
cholestasis, especially cholestasis hepatitis, drug induced hepatitis, primary
biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Suzanna Ndraha.
Kolestasis Intrahepatik
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Review: Kolestasis Intrahepatik |
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